All courses are taught by NRA / Calif Department of Justice certified instructors. 12 years old and up excepted.

What fundamental Skills will I learn during this course?  All range fees, and ammo paid by the student.

Cost: 200.00 pp  Excellent beginners course.  We have 4 AR-15 RIFLES CUSTOM BUILT FOR SALE CALL FOR INFO. 12 years old and up. Firearms Instruction San Francisco.

Position, Grip, Sight Alignment, Breath Control, Trigger Squeeze, Follow Through.  You will learn how to make sure if a firearm is loaded, or unloaded.  This course is a great one for those who are either not sure of full commitment or do not have enough time.  Once again this is not a full certification course.  If you want a more in – depth course than enroll for the full Basic Rifle course which is 5-7 hours.

First Steps Rifle is 3.5 hours in length, however class time varies upon the size of the group, and how fast you learn the skills, average 1.5 hours, then off to the range for an hour of live fire.

You have a choice of either   AR-15 Rifle or Ruger Mini -14 Rifle.  Both are equipped with either long range scope, or E-O Tech  sights. Caliber is either 223, or the more expensive 5.56 NATO rounds.

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Safe gun handling rules

  1. Treat all firearms as if they are loaded
  2. Always Keep the Gun pointed in the Safest Possible Direction
  3. Always Keep your Finger Off The Trigger Until Ready To Shoot
  4. Always keep the Gun Unloaded Until Ready To Use
  5.         Know your target and whats beyond it.

Course starting times

Mon-Thurs: 8am, 10:00am


Sat: 8am, 10:00am

Sun: 8am, 9am, 10:00am

 3.5 Hour Course Fee: $199.00

Students pay their own range, and ammo fees, safety gear.
